Monday, April 2, 2012

That's What's Up

I love this new song by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros!  {"That's What's Up"} I'd love nothing more than to hit rewind to a couple weekends ago and be back at Cain's, listening to them.

The shit has hit the fan for us.  Just when I thought surely we had met our quota of hard times, our entire livelihood was stolen from us.  Thieves will meet their maker one day.  If people would just chill the eff out and listen to some Edward Sharpe, I'm convinced there would be no crime or war in this world.

But while the last five years have been jam packed with loss and heartache, they've also been filled with an intense spiritual journey for me, and for us as a couple.  The old me would have completely freaked out over something like this.  But now, I know we will be taken care of, one way or another.    Jesus loves me, this I know. ;)  Oh and, we have two very strong willed guardian angels on our side up there named Jerry & Scottie.

For now, I'm just going to keep on praying and listening to my music.